3.The court is deliberating; meanwhile, we must be patient.See Usage Note at meantime
法庭正审议;这段时,们必须要小心参见 meantime
4.in the meantime I'll make some enquiries of my own.
5.Scotland, meantime, had her own monarchs.
6.Please find a taxi, and in the meantime I'll pack some food.
7.In the meantime, the central bank also cuts the reloan and rediscount rates.
8.I continued working, meantime, he went out shopping.
继续工作, 这期他出去买东西。
9.In five minutes, there’s the news. In the meantime, here’s some music.
10.The bus doesn’t leave until six o’clock. In the meantime we can go and have a coffee.
11.Meantime,the contents of methylether of chavicol in original oil and microencapsule were also determined by HPLC,respectively.
12.In the meantime, he had arrived, pistol in hand, in the Rue du Pont-aux-Choux.
13.In the meantime, mechanisms against desynchronization attacks and cepstrum filtering are introduced to enhance robustness.
14.In the meantime, lucky Sa revealed his to trade in the electron the reliable platform of the respect -- integral EPOS solution.
15.In the meantime, Phoenix grabbed another scoopful of soil and planned to deliver it to its microscope later this week.
16.In the meantime , the author does the full physical research about Gang Cun community, including the Christian church and geracomium by way of the qualitative research.
17.When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.
18.In the meantime, the unfortunate topman was losing his strength;his anguish could not be discerned on his face, but his exhaustion was visible in every limb;
19.In the meantime, absorb many infrared ray, the eye ground that the direct illuminate place of orthoptic sun or intense arc light causes is injured, if common solar sex retina is choroid burnable.
20.Basically be a basis " big stability, canzonet is whole " principle, to farmer of vicissitudinous of population, labor, contract farmland is made adjust appropriately, in the meantime, formed;