3.Mimetite group minerals are a group of isomorphic series minerals with hexagonal system,which include mimetite,vanadinite and pyromorphite.
4.the company's fortunes are founded on its minerals business.
5.In silicate minerals and magnetites existed isomorph tin.
6.SEM proves that the form of clay minerals is floccule and sheety.
SEM proves that the form of clay minerals is floccule and sheety.
8.The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite,quartz and asbestos here.
9.The discovery of a huge analcime deposit in Nei Monggo fills up a gap in minerals in China.
10.Two kinds of silver minerals, namely hessite and argentite, have been found.
11.It was asserted that the ore is mainly composed of minerals of kurnakovite, inderite and pinnoite.
12.The development and application of raw minerals and products of spinels are also briefly introduced.
13.The main copper minerals are malachite, chrysocolla, little chalcopyrite, chalcosine and even little bornite and covellite.
14.Major copper minerals are chalcocite and covellite which tightly associate with fine pyrite.
15.The exoplanet's atmosphere condenses out minerals such as enstatite, corundum, spinel, and wollastonite.
16.The ore minerals are mainly anatase, subordinately rutile and ilmenite (±hematite), while the nonmetallic minerals are chiefly quartz with a certain amount of anthophyllite and biotite (±garnet).
17.in so doing, we will deprogram your minerals of foreign energy flow that is non-supportive of ascension and begin to reunite them into an overall flow that is associated with all minerals global wide.
18.There are some independent minerals of Cd, which are secondary minerals formed during weathering and leaching, such as greenockite, otavite and oxides of Cd in the oxidized zone of the deposit.
19.The research results show that the main minerals in "Di" of Changhua Chicken Blood Stone are dickite and kaolinite, and minor minerals are alunite, halloysite, quartz and pyrite, et al.
20.The native minerals originating from Tertiary basanite of Yaoshan formation,the placer is in water systems around Fangshan.