1.They were named by a largely unrecognized neurologist and gerontologist with expertise in clinico-pathological examination Max Durand-Fardel (Fig. 1.1).
一位不太出名的经科及老年Max Durand-Fardel在临床查很有经验,对这些变进行了命名。
2.Eminent neurologist Professor Lindsay McLellan, who was ad-viser to the House of Commons' Health Select Committee in a review of head injury services, is one of the doctors leading the new team.
3.Sore throats, backaches, headaches and bronchitis do not need to be treated by a separate ENT, orthopedist, neurologist and pulmonologist, unless the internist fails to make the symptoms better.
4.German physician and neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis(1886.