3.a lackluster performance that nevertheless had its moments.
4.We are going nevertheless we shall return.
我们要走了, 不过我们还要回来。
5.The news may be unexpected;nevertheless it is true.
这消息也许是出乎意料, 然而是真实。
6.statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading.
7.She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working.
8.His clothes are old and unfashionable, but nevertheless he has a real touch of class.
9.a point of view that does not neuter itself with a“nevertheless” or “but”
一个没有“然而” 或“但是” 来削弱力量观点
10.Nevertheless, I've felt the sting of the elitism because I began my library career as a paraprofessional.
11.Plainspoken nevertheless, this face film to shading fleck it is without what too big effect.
12.Nevertheless, its spermatophyte flora was little similar to that of Tertiary, where angiosperm were booming in that period.
13.Nevertheless they fire with quite a lot of power and the smoke and noise can demoralise troops.
14.You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver;
15.but he dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land: nevertheless the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh and of Beth-anath became subject to taskwork.
16.Nevertheless, the figures seem to point to a deepish recession, rather than the rerun of the Depression that was feared a few months ago.
17.Nevertheless, neutral Powers may not plead absence of notification, if it has been shown beyond question that they were in fact cognisant of the state of war.
18.Nevertheless, the political participation via the internet creates the incredibility of information, the crisis about the legality of the political system, and the new social inequality.
19.Nevertheless, the flight was a success, and, just as Joseph Montgolfier had envisioned, balloons became useful for military purposes.
20.We both say it's over, but nevertheless hesitate, my retreats in the face of your advances melding into a rhythmless cha-cha.