2.On the other hand, the water is relative directly to the denaturalization of proteid nucleic acid by hydrolyzing.
3.After reproduction of the viral nucleic acid the host cell usually undergoes lysis (LYSOGENY).
4.The main equipment here is a thermal cycler system for nucleic acid amplification (PCR, quantitative fluorescence detection or common).
5.RNA 2: Clustering by Gene or Condition and Other Regulon Data Sources Nucleic Acid Motifs; The Nature of Biological "proofs."
6.Genetic analysis showed that the green-revertible albino trait was controlled by a sin-gle recessive nucleic gene.
7.With serum arylesterase as the topics of teaching, small biomolecules, enzyme and protein, nucleic acids and genes as well as the techniques for their researches were covered.
8.Ultracentrifuge A high-speed centrifuge, operating at up to a million revolutions per second that is used to sediment protein and nucleic acid molecules.