1.the country had until now been spared the violence occurring elsewhere.
2.But the interference fit by hydroform result in the damage occurring on the contact surface.
3.a widely occurring iron oxide ore; a mixture of goethite and hematite and lepidocrocite.
4.Senile dementia is a series of chronic progressive mental deterioration occurring in or pre the geratic period.
5.Objective:Research and development of anesthetization process plan of Abstinence syndrome occurring in the on-operation toxicomania patients.
6.the facioplegia is caused by facial neuritis and is common ailment and frequently occurring illness.
7.Marasmic kwashiorkor is a mixed form of PEM, with edema occurring in children who are marasmic, and who may or may not have other associated signs of kwashiorkor.
8.Pollen disease is a kind of hypersensitiveness occurring on the sensitive individuals to the allergic pollen, and is the most representative disease of allergic diseases.
9.Objective To explore a procedure useful to predict preoperatively the complication of stapedial gusher potentially occurring during the operation on or involving in the inner ear.
10.(4) ore bodies occurring as lenses with the auriferous laminar assemblages conformable with the mylonitic foliation;
11.Cook seems to have been the first to coin the term \'speciation\' for the splitting of lineages or \'cladogenesis,\' as opposed to \'anagenesis\' or \'phyletic evolution\' occurring within lineages.
12.While this is occurring an unfertilized egg cell is taken from a Blackface ewe with its DNA filled nucleus taken out leaving a nucleus free egg cell that will later produce an embryo (3).
13.Occurring in yellow, golden and brown colors, Baltic Amber is also known as Succinite after its parent tree pinus succinfera that was common in the tertiary period, some 50 million years ago.
14.The results showed: inncrease application of Ca, balance application of N and K and sprinkler irrigation could increase Ca content of lettuce leaves, reduce occurring of tipburn.
15.While disk capacities double every 12 to 18 months, uncorrectable read/write error rates haven’t improved, nor has the probability of an uncorrectable error occurring on a disk read decreased.
16.Glycuresis is one kind of common illnesses and frequently occurring disease,serious harm human being is healthy,morbidity assumes the notable uptrend in recent years.
17.As the occurring of spaces from the 3rd to 5th tooth of dogs, artificial intrabony pocket can be made, and their thick root canals are suitable for pulp and periapical study.