10.The fire started when a pile of oily rags spontaneously combusted.
11.testa hard, nitid, often with oily bodies, sometimes alate;
12.East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy.
13.Cation group has the capability of charge neutrality and this would make oily wastewater demulsify and remove oil easily.
14.There were three types of grinding aids with different absorbent membranes: oily membrane grinding aids,aquosity membrane grinding aids and oily-aquosity membrane grinding aids.
15.a poisonous oily liquid with a garlicky odor composed of 2 cacodyl groups; undergoes spontaneous combustion in dry air.
16.If oily be soiled, red blue ink waits for flyblow, answer to be cleaned instantly.
17.Can make what you reduce oily share absorb so, still hoosh is drunk less, drink clear soup as far as possible.
18.of lens of the root of fangfeng of naval ships of compound product development uses proper motion to develop the refus of dustcoat of submarine cotton coverall is oily function.