1.In operating Ⅱ group with unilateral otic ganglionectomy, the density of the positive fibers on bilateral PCA and BA decreased.
2.Otic vesicle An epithelial sac behind the fifth rhombomere forming the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally.
3.endocranium That portion of the neurocranium consisting of the elements surrounding the olfactory, optic and otic capsules and the anterior end of the notochord.
4.clearly visible during early development, also: the skeleton surrounding the inner ear or otic vesicle, composed of the prootic, opisthotic, exoccipital, and supraoccipital.
5.pterotic horn or process On the neurocranium, elongated posterior projections of the sphenopterotic ridges of the otic capsules.