7.the pace was much too hot for Beris, and he peeled off after five laps.
8.scalded the hide to remove the hair; scalded and peeled the tomatoes.
9.They peeled off their clothes and jumped into the river.
10.Keep your eyes peeled, and if you see anything suspicious, call the police immediately.
11.The cook's helper slung the peeled potatoes into a huge enamel pot. See also Synonyms at confuse
厨师帮手把削了皮土豆扔进了一口巨大搪瓷锅里 参见同义词 confuse
12.Keep your eyes peeled, Lil, and tell me if you see a blink of sun on those hills ahead.
注意看, 莱尔, 果你看到前面那些小山有阳光就告诉我。
13.Definition: Cutch or Black Catechu is the dried concentrated decoction prepared from the peeled branch and stem of Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd. (Fam.