1.the Home Secretary sought to justify placing the burden of disproof on defendants.
2.placing ultimate political power in the hands of the multitude.
3.you are not placing yourself under any obligation.
4.private placing (=private offering)
5.Placing by means of rodding.
标准/规范英文名: Concretes.
6.(a) placing seriatim in said bottom partial mould;
7.He gave us a warning against placing confidence in people we did not know.
他诫我们, 不要轻信我们不了解的人。
8.teachers are being asked to unlearn rigid rules for labelling and placing children.
9.Retinoscope consists of placing lenses before the patient\'s eye to shift the far point to the retinoscope.
10.Zollner's illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background.
11.Re yr. for noted obtund approval by board rl adv. in time for placing dr by Dec 20.
12.A pebbling move on a graph G consists of taking two pebbles off from a vertex and placing one pebble on an adjacent vertex.
13."Over the last part-section of the Base from the location of the tunnel placing Boom, the delivery line is guided by means of a shiftable pipe Bridge.
14.One of the big disincentives to placing weapons in space has been the technical difficulty and cost of such an enterprise.
15.nudge An elasmobranch reproductive behavior wherein a male moves the female from the perpendicular to the parallel position by placing his head under and in contact with the female (Ref. 51111).
16.reversed the paintings for a more satisfying effect. Toinvert is basically to turn something upside down or inside out, but the term may imply placing something in a reverse order:
17.(1) Placing the type founts in a phototypesetter and the loading of a selection of software when a front end system can be configurated for different purposes.
18.The unit is composed of hydraulic and double conic placing,hydraulic spading and drawing ,straightening,shearing,end stopping,coiling,feeding,dropping cart,ect.