1.probing deeper and deeper into the secrets of the universe
2.probe a wound to find its extent; probing the anthill with a stick.
3.Conclusion The fistula probing and fistulography are accurate for diagnosis of anal fistula.
4.He skillfully parried all the interviewer’s most probing questions.
5.Objective:probing the function mechanism of ZhengGu TongPiDan in curing dyssymphysis,non-bacteroidal bone putrescence and chronic osteomylitis.
6.Working on a comparable timescale, SIM should provide positional information for a subsample of faint stars, thereby probing the most tenuous star streams.
7.They creep along the seabed, their whiskery vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks.
8.At the Gallup Organization we recently focused in depth on success, probing the attitudes and traite of 1500 prominent people selected at random from Who’s Who in America.
Here are five of the most important:在盖洛普组织,我们近来深入地集中研究了成功问题,在美国《名人录》中随机选择了1500名杰出人物研究他们的态度和性格特征。