5.The pup was in a fix when he walked into the mudhole.
6.Baker loathed going to this red-haired young pup for supplies.
7.In the not too distant future.When the pup had grown lanky and frolicsome—the wolf would return to the mountainside.
8.A pedigree pup should have been inoculated against serious diseases before it’s sold.
9.I’m wondering whether this really is a genuine Rolex. Do you think I’ve been sold a pup?
10.The engine is a double-acting noncondensing one that exhausts directly into the air with the familiar puff-pup of a donkey engine or steam shovel.
11.A linebreeding may produce a puppy with magnificent qualities, but if those qualities are not present in any of the ancestors the pup has been linebred on, it may not breed true.