1.a poet and recorder of rural and industrial life.
2.video recorders mean the audience will zap through the ads.
3.Where did you get the recorder?
4.The recorder cost $199 — that's $200 in round figures.
5.A recorder is often used in our English class.
6.The recorder next door is a great trial to us.
7.for my recorder, but he Jewed me down to
$50.我要以一百美元卖我的录机, 但他压价到五十美元。
8.Tropo Automated Data Analysis Recorder System?
对流层自动数据分析记录系统 TADARS?
9.Put a new cassette in the cassette recorder to see whether it works normally.
10.A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
11.A recorder for recording temperature in a small biocabin on board the recoverable satellite and the speed of a centrifuge incorporated in the cabin was developed.
12.If you don't like this term citizen reporter, [then make up your own…civilian recorder, city beat note-taker, grassroots, muckraker, etc.
The 500 and 600 series displays provide bigger multiscreen images from quads, multiplexers, and digital video recorders, providing more image detail.
14.It is widely used in mini-radiostation,moobilecommunication,pager,interphone,CTV,video cassette recorder,remote control unit,telephone,electric clock,VCD,DVD,computer,ect .
15.They are used in TV, telecamera,audio andvisual recorder,microprocessor and other electronic equipment for resonance ,osilating coupling, delay, filter, trap, choke and etc.
17.AV MP3 Player Morpher Basic is all-in-one audio morphing studio for digital music and movie editing.
著名MP3播放器morpher基本是所有在其中的频变形演播室数字乐和电影剪辑。It features most popular audio formats and CD player, ripper, converter, burner, recorder, and cover creator.它的特点最流行的频格式和CD播放机,开膛手,转换器,燃烧器,录机,并涵盖的创造者。