4.Forward walks sluggishly along the riverside, flanerie walks.
5.Pilin schools in the Riverside Park has beautiful scenery and beautiful environment, convenient traffic.
6.Some dozen barefooted urchins ganged in from the riverside.
7.The results show that the barred and discrete distribution of C. gigantean is narrow only along the riversides of Yalutsangpo;
8.Below swallow foot of a hill, the Beijing of wet white riverside is suitable justice history of byre hill town is long, ground of an outstanding personality is clever.
【摘要】 燕脚下,潮白河畔的北京顺义牛栏镇历史悠久,人杰地灵。
9.In allusion to drilling well cofferdam grouting antiseepage in riverside pump house,authors discuss hydrofracture grouting theory in soil layer,its design method and construction steps.