2.segments of the community; a segment of a television program.
3.Select small segments of the ponytail hair and backcomb them quite vigorously, one segment at a time.
4.The left ventriculogram demonstrated akinesia of anterolateral and apical segments with apical thrombus formation.
5.6.7 The strobila of cestodes consists of a chain of segments (proglottids) budded off from the neck region.
6.(linguistics) divided or organized into speech segments or isolable speech sounds.
7.Objective: To provide anatomic data for selecting optimal anterior approach to different segments of cervicothoracic spine (CTS).
8.The dilated ectopic ureters draining the bilateral hydronephrotic upper renal segments issued into vaginal vestibule and caused urinary incontinence.
9.Results Horizontal or adown & oblique depression of ST segments outbalance to upwards & oblique depression for diagnosis of coronary heart diseases.
10.By using this method, the segments for a photogram processed in later stage and the errors due to overmany links are reduced.
应用这种方法,大大减少了以往惯用的对照片进行后期处理的环节 ,以及由于环节过多而引入的累积误差。
11.All segments of the tremie should be of the same inner diameter, with the allowable deviation not greater than ±2mm.
12.Unattributable items shall be allocated to Licensed Service segments using the Attributable Cost Method.
13.Pro-,meso-and metapleuron of ventral surface and posterior margin of sides of abdominal segments with yellow pubescent maculae.
14.More and more scholars have considered that segments don"t compose the integer but create the integer and naught create adsum as well as fewness create more.
15.Anthers 6, opposite perianth segments, attached at lobe sinus, lobelet sinus, or lobe apex of corona, dorsifixed, introrse.
16.IP Switches greatly expand the number of segments while restring the flattened topologies of bridged environments, thus multiplying the opportunities for broadcast storms.
17.Antennae of B. tabaci are made up of scapus, pedicle and flagella that the latter consist of 1-5 segments and most of the antennal sensilla lie on its outer, upper and lower surfaces.
18.6.Degenerated fibers crossed to the opposite side in the pyramidal decussation and lay within the gray matter of the dorsal horn in segments C_1~C_5.
19.Among many tightaligned inner segments of PRCs there was zonula adherens of OLM, mitochondrias at inner side of OLM, and cilium at outer side of OLM.
20.For the other four leaf shapes - spathulate, denta-spathulate, cello-shaped and deltoid - more segments of Bezier curves were necessary for a good fitting.