5.Methods for setting a standard are systematic techniques.This paper introduces the practical steps and more popular methods in selecting the cutpoint.
6.Wherein, selecting on organic acid arbitrarily from the acetic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid or aconitic acid;
7.Applier should offer fireproof material PC% etc and references before selecting 70%-95%PC+ABS.
8.Objective: To provide anatomic data for selecting optimal anterior approach to different segments of cervicothoracic spine (CTS).
9.The paper made out the nano-microcapsule theca,by selecting admixture of houttynia cordata thunb extract liquid and pyrethrin as core material,epoxy resin as wall material.
10.The important factors which affect the gear abrasion are the design of machine tool's spiale system and the selecting of main process parameters in the course of the gear abrasion.
11.Selecting a suitably barren and unpopulated moon, Primus transferred part of his life force deep into its core.
12.The coma aberation and astigmation are rec t ified through carefully selecting the position of aperture stop and the paramete rs of the quadratic surface.
13.On the base of it , analyzing the technics of the Hydramine method, To give the material suggest in the selection of the absorbent of multi-hydramine and selecting the technics.
14.Besides selecting technological ventures for investment, the firms provide management, marketing and networking advice to the investee companies.
15.My wife ended up selecting a white skirt with ruffly things on the bottom and a teal blue top, both of which I liked a lot but was too smart to acknowledge.
16.After further refining the character's starting skilly selecting features such as ancestry and career the new character is ready to begin its life in the Eve Online universe.
17.Selecting the wave band, irradiation illumination and irradiation time, studies on the effects of infrared irradiation on immunity of musmus-culus are carried out.
18.Abstract: Selecting the wave band, irradiation illumination and irradiation time, studies on the effects of infrared irradiation on immunity of musmus-culus are carried out.
摘 要: 研究了不同波段、不同辐照度、不同辐射时间的红外辐射小白鼠免疫功能的影响。
19.Abstract: Ethionine-resistant cultures were isolated by screening seedlings for ethionine-tolerance and selecting the calluses on an ethionine-containing medium.
摘 要: 用乙硫氨酸为筛选剂,通过幼苗和组培养筛选得到乙硫氨酸抗性愈伤组。
20.This paper gives a vertex sequencing algorithm about complete oriented multigraph. Based on this algorithm, a useful optimum statistical pattern for documents selecting is described.