7.he urged the president to use a softly-softly approach to the crisis.
8.The police are now trying a more softly-softly approach with football hooligans.
9.He speaks too softly for her to hear.
他讲话声音太轻, 她听不见。
10.He added softly,‘I missed you.
’ 他又温柔地加了一句:“我想你了。”
11.Norma looked at the parcel and whistled softly through her teeth.
12.When we passed his window, we stepped softly, for fear of disturbing.
我们从他窗前经过时, 放轻了脚, 扰他。
13.She chuckled softly to herself as she remembered his astonished look.
14."hey,dear fishworm,would you please loosen the earth around me?"He asked softly.
15.The marble clock on the mantel-piece softly chimed the half-hour, the dog rose uneasily from the hearthrug and looked at the party at the breakfast table.
16.On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant.Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine 15)peachblow, her expression a happy one, 16)tinged with reminiscence.