12.His laughter was not becoming on that solemn occasion.
13.The new Embassador was received with solemn ceremonies.
14.The judge's tone was solemn as he pronounced sentence on the convicted murderer.
15.The solemn statement of the central government on this issue was featured in full in the newspapers.
16.He looked very solemn as he announced the news.
在宣布这一消息时, 他显得非常严肃。
17.In a solemn voice,the councillor announced the names of the winners to the crowd.
18.In irised out had on urban area big land, ancient was the solemn manorial lord drives to eagerly anticipate us personally to visit him to construct to take vacation newly the manor.
19.Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare,Since, seldom coming, in the long year set,Like stones of worth they thinly placed are,Or captain jewels in the carcanet.