7.two of the firm's lorries are stranded in France.
8.I was stranded in the strange town without money or friends.
我困在那陌生的城市, 既有钱, 又有友。
9.Consistent pond is lentic, soak is stranded for a long time, water lubricious gradual change, surface has bubble then.
10.Objective To study the effect of pretensioning on quadrupled-stranded semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft length during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
11.This will save the expense of building pipelines to plants onshore and thus allow “stranded” gas, once thought unviable, to be exploited.
12.A ship got stranded along the shore, but last night sea waves washed it away again.
有条船在岸边搁浅了, 可昨天晚上海浪又把它冲走了。
13.Geminiviruses are a group of plant viruses occurred worldwide and characterized by their unique twinned particles, which encapsidate a circular single-stranded DNA genome.
14.The double-stranded oligonucleotides are designed with 5´ OH blunt ends, making them easily labeled to high specific activity with T4 polynucleotide kinase.
15.A new double stranded tetranuclear Co2Fe2 mixed metallic helicate is achieved from 1,1′ ferrocene dicarboxylic acid (H2L).