1.To describe the anisotropy of microdamage of the crust block, we use the damage tensor that is expressed in the fissure density.
2.The trifocal tensor is the mathematical expression of trifocal geometry, it has strict constraints to correspondence points and lines in three images.
3.Thereinto, the problem of matching feature points and feature lines introduce the trifocal tensor as the constraint condition.
4.We study the gluonic content of the Pomeron through relating the Pomeron trajectory to the observed IGJPC=0+2++ isoscalar tensor mesons.
5.Total length of tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatial, palatoglossal and palatopharyngcal muscle were demonstrated on coronal images in 10 cases.
6.The levetor veli palatini muscle elevates the soft palate, the muscle uvulae bunches the soft palate, and the tensor veli palatini tenses and shortens the palate.
7.The mathematical formulas of cable tensor and liberative line length have been obtained by fitting analysis, and study of ROV′S motion and control is based on them.
Total length of tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatial, palatoglossal and palatopharyngcal muscle were demonstrated on coronal images in 10 cases.