The role of recti mini vessels connecting the cryptal plexus with the villi plexus was an ″collateral circulation″ to supply the base of the villi where the arterial termination was lacking.
The role of recti mini vessels connecting the cryptal plexus with the villi plexus was an ″collateral circulation″ to supply the base of the villi where the arterial termination was lacking.
Biopsy of the small intestine shows dilation of the lacteals of the villi and distension of the lymphatic vessels.
Primary (congenital) hydrocephalus is apparently due to failure of arachnoid villi to resorb CSF at an adequate rate.
The vascular plexus at the lower part of the villi had the characteristics of recti mini vessels and protal vesselas.
villiform Like the villi of the intestine, hence, with numerous small slender projections;
Retiary fibers,excretive articles and host cell with the ball villi were seen on the inner side of the cyst.
C, Surface fibrin deposition is shown (black arrow), while the subintima of the villi is fibrotic (white arrow).
Conclusions Getting the villi of 45-55 days pregnancy by uterine curettage, we can obtain the chorial trophcytes by trypsin or DNA enzyme digest.
Igura K, Zhang X, Takahashi K, et al. Isolation and characterization of mesenchymal progenitor cells from chorionic villi of human placenta. Cytotherapy 2004;6:543-53.
The whole develop process of E. prolifera kept polarity, the villi-form protuberances and meshwork structures in the internal cavum of pipelike thallus conduced to the morphological development.