4.Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.
5.the casing is tough enough to withstand knocks.
6.pushchairs should be capable of withstanding rough treatment.
7.there is the danger that he might, in time, not be able to withstand temptation.
8.few structures can withstand a hit from a speeding car.
9.the structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph.
10.Some cockroach species can go for a month without food, survive for a month on a drop of water from a dishrag, and withstand massive doses of radiation.
11.Graphalloy components can withstand temperature fluctuations ranging from cryogenic to 1000F and are dimensionally stable even when submerged or under load.
12.Self-regulating heating cable for hot water temperature maintenance suitable to withstand pasteurisation up to 100°C.
13.The MD5 algorithm,a one-way hash algorithm,is improved availably by adding a hidden ‘antibody’ factor to the algorithm for withstanding cribber’s exhaustion search.
14.Yoke – designed to withstand seismic activities, the fully fabricated yoke features hassle – free assembly / disassembly of topworks and simple actuator mounting.
15.(6) Yoke – designed to withstand seismic activities, the fully fabricated yoke features hassle – free assembly / disassembly of topworks and simple actuator mounting.
(6) 轭架 – 设计符合抗震要求,完全装配式轭架具有装卸容易的特点,执行机构的安装也简便易行。
16.It has full-looking and glossy coating resistant to heat, rain and weathering. It can withstand solar thermoradiation and reduce the surface temperature of painting system.