4.The fire accident in the workshop has put back production.
5.- 粮食供应者工作室工作现在将会接受正确型的煎蛋饼。
- The Provisioner workshop task will now accept the correct type of omelets.
6.The young people in the workshop have formed themselves into a shock brigade.
7.The special workshop was presided over by a famous scientist.
8.The head of the workshop appointed that the work should be finished in two days.
9.The ammonium chloride is obtained by processing the by-product solution of ammonium chloride in the workshop of coordinative producing alcali.
10.As soon as he arrived at the workshop, the technician attacked the difficulties at once.
11.I also have two older DVDs.One is called The Six String Workshop (Tropo/Malone Media) and I playhe some piecees and discuss the arrangements.
我同样有两张早些时候发行的DVD,一个是The Six String Workshop (Tropo/Malone Media),我在其中演奏了几个并讨论了它们的编曲。
12.The workshop is very practical in nature. Lectures are combined with audiovisuals and practice assignments which participants will be able to apply immediately at their workplace.
13.Paper presented at workshop on Building Territories in the Interethnic Relationships in South-East Asia and South China.
14.MECA-CUSTOM is specialised in automotive bodywork and car styling. Parts made in our own workshop....
15.Motion-aid Device Workshop is a fabrication center for custom made limb prosthesis, orthosis, and paramedical shoe insert.
16.Later on, the on-site concrete durability test of the trestlework in the workshop building is taken as one example to analyze the concrete cover and the dept of its carbonifaction.
17.Jamila Trindle reports from Beijing, where the two countries held their first joint workshop on environmental cooperation.
18.I didn't sleep again until now,oh~I wanna catch Zzz,but I'll head to Centennial Hall for Personal Safety Workshop in 20 minite,I've to jump to the end.
19.It frequently begins with a charrette or eco-charrette, an intensive design workshop, in which many stakeholders gather to set goals and identify strategies for achieving the desired outcomes.