6.Lana Parilla is the ultimate neighborhood baddie as Rita, a gold-digging femme fatale whose Veronica Lake hairdo and glamorous dresses hide her black heart.
拉娜·帕里拉 (Lana Parilla) 饰演丽塔 (Rita), 她是一个终极的邻里坏蛋,丽塔是一个淘金的蝎美, 她的 Veronica Lake 发型和迷的裙子隐藏着她的黑心。机翻
9.We've featured this item on our You Versus series before, and mostly because it's honestly a pretty great solution to pretty much any evil baddie you come across.
我们之前曾在我们的 You Versus 系列中介绍过这个项目,主要是因为它老实说是你遇到的几乎任何邪恶坏蛋的一个非常好的解决方案。机翻
10.While the desert was mostly uninterrupted horizon where she could see creepers and husks from a mile off, here there were bushes and trees for the baddies to hide behind.
11.Since then, scientists from around the world have come to understand the complexity of our immune system and the many ways it has evolved to fight off bacterial baddies and villainous viruses.
12.The Ark of the Covenant in Raiders, the Holy Grail in Crusade, the urge to know everything in Crystal, that time-scrambling Dial, pursuing these mysteries, can make a baddie's face melt amid a sandy whirlwind.
13.Now all that's left to do is kick back and enjoy your Halloween season in peace, knowing that if any evil baddies come knocking again, you've got a freaking napalm launching flamethrower to knock back with.