3.D ry m atter accum u lation of X ieyou 9308 and X ieyou 63during whole grow th period.
标题: 图3协优9308和协优63全生育期干物质况 F ig.
3.D ry m atter accum u lation of X ieyou 9308 and X ieyou 63during whole grow th period.
标题: 图3协优9308和协优63全生育期干物质况 F ig.
While both men and women have such friends, evidence is accum-ulating that indicates men ralely make close friends.
2 The ca lcu lated g loba l net ecosystem productiv ity N EP(a)and accum u lative N EP(b)basing on GCM andobserved clim ate data.
标题: 图2利用GCM模式及实测的气候资料计算出的每年陆地生态系统净N EP(a)和的N EP(b) F ig.