1.The amphibole in the Mengku iron deposit is actinolite belonging to ferro-edenite.
2.Apart from magnetite and almandine garnet, the skarn also contains these minerals: idocrase, actinolite, epidote, fluorite and andradite (another garnet mineral).
3.The metamorphic grades of Minleh and Changma areas are prehnite-pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite facies, respectively.
4.Now in the market, the proliferation of "philtre is still whip, deer antler, hippocampus, barrenwort, actinolite, aphrodisiac.
5.Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite, aegirine-augite, magnesio-riebeckite, winchite, magnesio-hornblende, actinolite, quartz, albite, rutile and sphene.