1.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficiency and safety of partial dopamine re ceptor agonist in clinical application.
2.Clonidine and neostigmine are α2 adrenergic receptor agonist and acetycholine esterase catastaltic, Animal experiment and clinical research confirmed that both of them have analgesic effect.
3.Ropinirole is a modern, non ergoline dopamine agonist which has been shown to be effective as monotherapy as well as combination therapy against idiopathic P arkinsons disease.
4.Adverse effects associated with short-term gonadorelin agonists are common, but are rarely serious enough to require drug withdrawal.
5.Ropinirole,a dopamine agonist,has similar effect of dopamine but without ergoline structure by which its stronger binding power with dopamine D2 receptor may be explained.