2.alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem.
3.Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.
4.It’s well known that the world of entertainment has its seamy side: drug abuse, corruption, alcoholism …
5.Chronic alcoholism could contribute to impairment of nerve system and brain functions, even some psychiatric disorder such as hallucination, heteroptics, acousma and so on.
6.Results:In the patients with chronic alcoholism caused by lastingly drinking high degree wine,54% had hepatomegaly and liver parenchyma showed lipoidal-change acoustic image at varied degree.
7.Mr Aldrin describes the rockiness of his own post-moon life: alcoholism, depression, two failed marriages and a sad end to his air-force career.
8.A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he’s putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program.