2.Pidan is prepared from raw duck egg by alkaline treatment.
3.The research on producing 10-hydroxy decanoic acid by alkaline scission of ricinolein acid is reviewed.
4.Lew Urry developed the small alkaline battery in 1949.
5.This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity.
6.a salt of thiocyanic acid; formed when alkaline cyanides are fused with sulfur.
7.Fluid of eye of ② areca alkaline drop: Also have effect of certain miosis step-down.
8.using a premium grade alkaline resistant adhesive and full spread application system to bond vinyl to subfloor.
9.Objective To study the cross contamination of alkaline picric acid in glucose determination by hexokinase(HK) method and its preclusion measures.
10.This is mainly because some manufacturers have adopted the great containing alkaline waterglass glue or adhesive.
11.Alizarin complexone is obtained by the condensation of alizarin with formaldehyde solution and iminodiacetic acid in the presence of alkaline conditions.
12.It`s made from periclasite and magnesite alumi-nium spinel with alkaline refractory pr oducts as raw material .
13.Modern medicine studies: The bitter ginseng in thinking suffering is joined commonly is alkaline reach furzy alkaline have fight rhythm of the heart wrong action.
14.Seeing about the stability of alkaline (β- naphtol solution, furfural solution and copper - pyridine solution.
15.Drag the exposure in the past, solvent and film resin acylamide assiociation, deterring effect, makes it hard to dissolve in alkaline solution.
16.The alabandite and getchellite of hydrothermal origin, cement anatase of alkaline volcanic origin, and the high content of chlorite in coal were fist found in coals.
17.The biruet can develop the color with the cupric sulfate in the alkaline solution, we call that the biruet reaction.Malonyl urea has acidity, so we call it barbituric acid.
18.The results showed that in this process of alkaline hydrolysis the demethylation of poly(methyl glutamate)was faster, but debenzylation of poly(benzyl glutamate) was hardly processed.
19.the adjustment of crops growth by influencing the number of microbial population in soil district and the function of the soil dehydrase, alkaline phosphatase, urease and sucrase;
20.A method for determination of nitrogen in N-MnFe by titrimetry with amidosulfonic acid after alkaline distillating separation has been studied in this paper.