2.the reform did much to ameliorate living standards.
3.Volunteers could do little to ameliorate conditions in the refugee camp.
4.Gargling helps a sore throat. Toameliorate is to improve or better circumstances that demand change:
漱口剂对咙痛有效。 ameliorate 是指进或需要变化的形势:
5.The wetting property of PET fiber was ameliorated obviously by the azote plasma treatment.
6.CONCLUSION:The combination of LSPR with adductor tenotomy can effectively ameliorate lower limb spasticity and movement with decreased operative damage.
7.Functions: Promote Dilation of Hair Capillaries, Improve blood circulation, and Nourish hair follicle. Benefit Hair Growth, Ameliorate Psilosis and scattered hair.
8.Commixing the natural edible and officinal spiceberry with the crusted green-tea or fumigating the crusted green-tea with spicery enhance its redolence and ameliorate its bitterness.