Nevertheless, its spermatophyte flora was little similar to that of Tertiary, where angiosperm were booming in that period.
Nevertheless, its spermatophyte flora was little similar to that of Tertiary, where angiosperm were booming in that period.
chalazogamy A method of fertilization in angiosperms in which the pollen tube enters the ovule by the chalaza instead of through the micropyle, penetrating the placenta en route.
Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families, such as Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, Lythraceae, Leguminosae and Pontederiaceae, but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa.
Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families, such as Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, Lytbraceae, Leguminosae and Pontederiaceae, but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa.
In roots, however, the concept is still applied, and in some angiosperm roots a fourth histogen zone is recognized, the calpytrogen, which gives rise to the root cap.