15.a lifeless planet), and to what lacks animation, spirit, or brightness (
无生命的行星), 和缺乏生气、精神或欢乐的(
16.Joel Veitch's career in animation took off after his skiffle kittens became an Internet phenomenon 5 years ago.
17.10.Timidity, frailness, sullenness, viciousness, lack of animation, cumbersome appearance and lack of over-all balance impair the general character.
18.AVD Graphic Studio comes with four modules – MultiPage, Video, Animation and Batch Processing.
19.Conjoining believable motion with believable acting is the holy grail of animation, and this duality is demonstrated by animating the bouncing man.
20.So the figure of the little elf produced by Zhang Shuang, whom I never met, joined the exhibition field of Animation Aesthetics Biyearly Exhibition held by Shanghai Contemporary Artistic Museum.