many vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidant vitamins.
many vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidant vitamins.
Ellagic acid was previousely shown to have anticarcinogenic, antioxidant and antifibrosis properties.
E is a new type of powerful antioxidant, can be used in beverages, toothpaste, chutty, cookies and cosmetic etc .
Arctic blueberry seed oil is rich in antioxidants like tocopherol and tocotrienols and in high amounts of essential fatty acids, giving nutrition and protection to the skin.
Arctic Blueberry北极蓝莓也称为“沼泽Whortleberry ”, “蓝莓”或“北极蓝莓”是一个低增长许多分支灌木。
Definition: Fatty oil obtained from seeds of Oenothera biennis L. or Oenothera lamarckiana L. by extraction and/or expression.It is then refined.A suitable antioxidant may be added.
本品为柳叶菜科植物月见草Oenothera biennis L. 或红杆月见草Oenothera lamarckiana L.种子经过萃取和压榨法获得脂肪油。