the bagpipes played them out of the dining room.
the bagpipes played them out of the dining room.
The demotic poetry of Robert Burns or the skirl of bagpipes at Highland gatherings are easily appreciated by immigrants.
The hum of the recording equipment droned in the background like a far-off bagpipe while the ornithologist whispered: “Cardinal or Hermit Thrush.
Those bagpipe players must be chuffing hot in all that fur. They must have higher endurances levels than 99% of the athletes theyre playing entrance music for.
"You, O king, have made a decree that every man who hears the sound of the horn, flute, lyre, trigon, psaltery, and bagpipe and all kinds of music, is to fall down and worship the golden image.
French hurdy gurdy master Gilles Chabenat demonstrates and performs the instrument described as part violin, bagpipe and kazoo in sound.
You, O king, have made a decree that every man who hears the sound of the horn, flute, lyre, trigon, psaltery, bagpipe, and all kinds of music shall fall down and worship the golden image;