2.The country maintains military bases on foreign soil.
3.These nuclear warheads have trained on army bases.
4.The bases were full when the slugger stepped up to bat.
5.These two bases are mainly for white prawns, red fish, jewfish and Nile perch.
6.The sex role theory of Masculinities is an absolutely different partition between Masculinity and Femineity bases on sex.
7.Conclusion: The best treating method of rhinorrhe in front bases of skull, bases of saddle and clivus blurnenbachii orificium fistulae except malignant tumor is endoscopic repair of fistubus opening.
8.The humpy ground in Northern Hubei is one of the eight bases of commercial foodstuff, but the lack of water is the obstacle of the agricultural development of this area.
9.petals 5, red or crimson-red, bases auriculate, remaining adpressed to staminal column.
10.Serous secretory acini showing cytoplasmic basophilia toward their bases where a lot of rough ER lies.
11.Probability integration method of stochastic media expectation theory, which bases on the foundation of flaccid up-cover terrane and bestraddle of top board, is discontinuous media theory.
12.The new leaves photosynthesize and food is stored in their bases thus giving rise to a new bulb.
13.Methods: Five Schiff bases were prepared from piperonal and diamines by condensation reaction.
14.A prismatoid having polygons with the same number of sides as bases, and faces that are parallelograms or trapezoids.
15.Rows of vesicles over erythematous bases are the typical cutaneous lesions of the first stage of incontinentia pigmenti (IP).
16.After the devastating attack on its military bases, the country was determined not to be caught with its pants down a second time.
17.Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez who called for a joint statement condemning the Colombian proposal said the bases could destabilize the region.Our South America correspondent Candace Piette reports.
18.The central concept of Inceptisols is that of soils of soills of humid and subhumid regions that have altered horizons that have lost bases or iron and aluminum but retain some weatherable minerals.
19.Objective: To study the shape and micro-character of euonymus alatus with phellem wing as drug,it supplied the bases for identifying the euonymus alatus.