I am basing my opinion purely and simply on the facts of the case.
I am basing my opinion purely and simply on the facts of the case.
Basing himself on the realities of his life,the painter successfully integrated realism and artistic exaggeration.
Basing on mineral crystal structure and crystal chemical theory and according to the crystal cell parameter, the atomic arrangement of dravite, etc.
Basing on the field perambulation and information collection, 107 typical mines in Liaoning Province were evaluated with Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Basing on the basic concept and theory of K factor, The correct selection of K factor value and its im-portance in different experement situation and The method of amendment are discussed.
Basing on the multiple comprehension of the processive learning assessment, we designed, implemented and verified an action project.
Here we discuss its properties basing on the definition of the strong pseudoconvex function,and give its relationship with strong convex function.
Basing on introducing biological rhythms,especially the space biological rhythms,the paper gives an idea to develop the space chronobiology according to the needs of manned space flight in the fut.
2 The ca lcu lated g loba l net ecosystem productiv ity N EP(a)and accum u lative N EP(b)basing on GCM andobserved clim ate data.
标题: 图2利用GCM模式及实测的气候资料计算的每年陆地生态系统净碳通量N EP(a)和累积的N EP(b) F ig.