4.The Depression reduced many to begging on street corners.
5.Her eyes are begging for an answer.
6.They went from house to house, begging the people for bread.
7.Things have come to a pretty pass when children are begging in the streets.
8.He had come down to begging when his father found him.
他父亲找到他时, 他已沦为乞丐。
9.Meanwhile, Anne has been begging Muttonchops and Girlboy to help her take care of the mutant boyfriend from Hell's poultry farm.
10.Nothing was more calculated to annoy Halidome than to tell him he was"begging the question", for he prided himself on being strong in logic.
11.One day Tom was in the act of dosing the crack when his aunt's yellow cat came along, purring, eying the teaspoon avariciously, and begging for a taste.