3—Biotite leptynite and muscovite schist of Jiaodong Group;
2.The main gold-carrying minerals are pyrite,chalcopyrite and telluride.The best gold-carrying rock is the biotite-albit schist.
3.The Sn granites are characterized by biotite and titanite as Sn-bearing minerals, which suffured hydrothermal alteration, leading to tin leaching and subsequent crystallization of cassiterite.
4.The ore minerals are mainly anatase, subordinately rutile and ilmenite (±hematite), while the nonmetallic minerals are chiefly quartz with a certain amount of anthophyllite and biotite (±garnet).
5.There is an obvious rock zonation from the middle to bothsides of the structural shatter zone, generally from marialite orebody through diopside-felsite,biotite-albitite to the host Proterozoic rocks.