2.Bracts linear to linear-lanceolate, 8--20 × as long as wide, apex acuminate or cirrose.
3.In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre.
4.Nectaries 2--3 mm; style lobes 2--3 mm; bracts not cirrose at apex.
5.Leaf blade narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, margin spiniform dentate; bracts of cupule subulate, ligulate, or linear, often reflexed.
6.Rhizome long and thin or shortly nodulose; leaf blade ternate, petiole narrow; involucral bracts petiolate; pistils and achenes with distinct style and small, usually linear stigma.
7.Utricles convex abaxially, plane or slightly concave adaxially; rostra 1/8-1/5 length of kernel; seed adherent to pericarp; leaves and bracts acute but not acicular at apex.
8.Utricles convex on both sides; rostra nearly equal to length of kernel; seed free from pericarp; leaves and bracts acicular to spinulose at apex.
9.Rachis and pedicels lanuginose or tomentose; bracts orbicular-ovate, 5–7 mm, both surfaces densely sericeous; calyx adaxially densely sericeous; leaf base subcordate.