It doesn't take Easy long to find Brawly and to learn that John is right — but getting Brawly to see things that way is another matter.
他又是观察敏锐、下笔有神的文章高手,以致他的美食文字像世界各国佳肴一样五花八门、丰富多彩,写山海味,写 家常饭菜,写风味小吃,他都能令读者兴味盎然。
It doesn't take Easy long to find Brawly and to learn that John is right — but getting Brawly to see things that way is another matter.
他又是观察敏锐、下笔有神的文章高手,以致他的美食文字像世界各国佳肴一样五花八门、丰富多彩,写山海味,写 家常饭菜,写风味小吃,他都能令读者兴味盎然。