The camshaft rotates in phase with the crankshaft, but at half its speed.
凸轮轴和曲轴协调旋转, 但速度仅曲轴的一半。
The camshaft rotates in phase with the crankshaft, but at half its speed.
凸轮轴和曲轴协调旋转, 但速度仅曲轴的一半。
In case that the camshaft signal measured by the first falling edge after dentation is low, then the following TDC would be of the first cylinder.
Camshafts, Rockerarm, Rocker Shaft, General Casting Automotive Parts, Components and Spares
We want to buy Camshafts, Rockerarm, Rocker Shaft, General Casting Automotive Parts, Components and Spares
The main products are as follows, exhaust manifold, bent axle, camshaft, rubbing sassafras nestification, gearbox, support, flywheel, etc.