It's another fun-filled day as Barney and the children make visit to some of the local businesses, including Cannoli's Bakery, Bouffant's Barbar shop, the PB&J cafe and Green's Grocery.
It's another fun-filled day as Barney and the children make visit to some of the local businesses, including Cannoli's Bakery, Bouffant's Barbar shop, the PB&J cafe and Green's Grocery.
Recall any movie with an "ethnic" cast, the scenes offamilies sitting around a dinner table, digging into plates of chowmein, collard greens, cannoli, baklava, whatever.
Desserts - cassata, cannoli,zabaglione, granita and marzipan - come intotheir own in Sicily, while Sardinia is famous for itsspit-roasted piglet.Coffee and wine are, of course,magnificent countrywide.