10.There is no gimbaling error because the vessel is on a cardinal heading.
11.Swapping pleasantries, two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope.
12.he committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates.
13.The cardinal includes 1, 2, 3, etc.
14.The cardinal signs of inflammation are rubor (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and loss of function.
15.Cardinal principle of anthropomorphize of socialistic sth used to one's own advantage experienced product anthropomorphize, commodity anthropomorphize, capital anthropomorphize 3 phase.
16.acute hypogastralgia was cardinal symptom;primary misdiagnosis 41 cases,misdiagnosis rate(47.
17.The hum of the recording equipment droned in the background like a far-off bagpipe while the ornithologist whispered: “Cardinal or Hermit Thrush.
18.In December 1996,two bishops were ordained to assist the Cardinal - Joseph Ze-kiun Zen as the Coadjutor Bishop and John Hong Tong as the Auxiliary Bishop.