caries sets in at a weak point and spreads to rot the whole tooth.
caries sets in at a weak point and spreads to rot the whole tooth.
Results A two-year follow-up revealed there occurred butment caries,luxated butment,and overlain residual root gingivitis,even on the rise,while the alveolar ridge showed no uneven absorption.
Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of the bitewing radiograph(BWR),clinic examination(CE) and laser fluorescence examination (LF) for detection of initial posterior approximal caries .
Conclusions:Light cure pit and fissure sealant technique can be used to treat pit and fissure caries after the cariated dentin has been cleared up.
结论:在彻底清除龋坏牙体组织后用光固化窝沟封闭术可以做为磨牙牙 合面窝沟龋的预防治疗方法之一。
Methods To incubate the caries free permanent teeth with acid gelatinoid and/or collagenase, then to observe the ultrastructural change of root surface under scanning electron microscope .