1.cathode-ray memory tube ;cathoderay memory tube;cathode ray memory tube;cathode ray storage tube;cathode-ray storage tube;
【简介】阴射线存储管 ,汉英词典阴射线存储管 英文翻译(单词/拼写) cathode ray memory tube;
2.The coating has high insulation and anti-cathode decomposability.
3.Cathode rays are attracted by a positive charge.
4.Several kinds of tungsten thermonic cathode were introduced.Moreover, the advances in the cathode with a monoatomic layer on the molybdenum substrate were reviewed.
5.The influence of the distances between anticathode and cathode and electrolysis voltages on the radius and depth of micro-dimples was investigated.
6.The design of the gun is commonly defined by perveance, beam current, waist radius, waist position and cathode current density.
7.In copper electrolytic refining,high quality cathode copper can be produced by adding WHN1 together with suitable amount of gelatin and sulfocarbamide.
8.This articel has detailes introductions on application of cold working technology and popularization of diamond tools in processing cathode carbon block,in order.
9.In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.
10.Brazing quality and product reliability are both increased as using high frequency pulse microplasma arc heating process for assembly brazing of cathode and photoetching grid of electron tube.
11.To realize the high efficiency of dernisting, thenew type cathode wires and anode tubes with superperformance were developed for increasing the current density and field intensity.