2.Aphemia is caused by organic pathological changes in special area of cerebrum due to cerebrovascular disease(CVD).
3.Green fluorescent protein expression was observed in the tissues of cerebrum, hippocampus, thalamencephalon, cerebellum and brain stem.
4.In the cerebrum, the primordial hippocampus developed better than the primordial piriform.The former belongs to archipallium and the latter is paleopallium.
5.By using the method of electrophysinlogy,deals with the habituation of the other sidenape muscle reflex of cerebrum exists with rabbits by stimulated the vibrissae s afferent nerve.
6."Forbes" newest “billionaires madames the ranking” declared: “the cheek is important, the cerebrum is more important.
7.The basic principles of Al harming to intellect of human were studied.The results show that Al can enter cerebrum and combine with brain neurofibril to form neurofibrillary tangles and senile spots.