1.As you leam actual Bellydance combinations, your hips,arms, buns and tummy will thoroughly be toned and worked.
2.The necessary and sufficient conditions of similarity of two idempotent matrices are proved, the idempotency of linear combinations of two idempotent matrices is discussed.
3.Abstract: Through two-year field experiment, a comparison of growth and yield of Newhall navel orange on two combinations of interstock and rootstock was made.
4.Equal-product curve (or isoquant) is a line in a graph showing the various possible combinations of factor inputs which will yield a given quantity of output.
5.Crystal Habits include the cube, octahedron and pyritohedron (a dodecahedron with pentagonal faces) and crystals with combinations of these forms.
6.WhiteCap contains thousands of visual combinations, real-time audio response, configurable on-screen menus, and an extensive library of visual content.
7.This paper discusses the possibility of semantic combinations between every two types of mood patterns: declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamative.
8.How can it be said that trotting over cavalletti and small fences and canter over small obstacles and combinations would not improve a horse for dressage or equitation-or to correct a spoiled horse?
9.I really love the Gothic Horrors series with there cyanotype illustrations and stark colours, and also the Hardback Classics for their colour combinations, materials and patterns.
10.Several precomputed look-uptables are provided as combinations from 8 to 16 bit phase andamplitude resolution.The frequency resolution can is defined asgeneric.