3.take the marzipan and mould it into a cone shape.
4.a truncated cone shape.
5.The smaller the canopy density of a forestis, the less the male cones are, and the smaller the ratio of male cones to female cones is.
6.A certification method to the relationship between polhode cone and herpolhode cone is given when the rigid body is in a fixed point motion.
7.long pendulous cones
8.part of the road has been coned off.
9.As described at full belly project.org, the universal nut Sheller is basically a summand (cement) corn (cone) with in a corn (cone).
10.Difference in carpopodium length, cone length, carpopodium length/cone length was not remarkable between provenances, but distinct in families within provenance.
11.josh hern ollie over the cone...
戏弄滑板图片 josh skateboard ollie.
12.A small metal cone or cup on a long handle, used for snuffing out candles;a snuffer.
13.Lack of the chlorolabe pigment in the retinal cone cells results in inability to discriminate green colors, or deuteranopia.
14.enters the autumn, again and again of the cone of lacebark pine, monkey more not anxious eats.
15.ITW Hi-Cone runs continuous webs of carrier rings for various multipack counts.
16.Pupilary light reflex, Physiological function of rod and cone, Photosensory transduction mechanism of rod;
17.You can change the spread of the particles using either the Randomize Direction or the Randomize Vector by Cone compounds.
18.One is single-cone sampling tomosynthesis which corresponds to the zero order Bessel window function.
19.After exogenous MJA treatment, the variation of the terpene volatiles in the conelet and cone were the same as the infested conelcets and cones, but the varying extents were not very high.