8.Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighboring consonants.
9.The quality of this suit isn’t quite consonant with its price.
10.consonants motivating a short vowel were all originally geminate.
11.A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis.
12.regular attendance at school. What isnatural is proper to, consonant with, or in accord with one's inherent nature or character:
按时到校。 Natural 形容固有、含有或符合某人内在特性或特点的事物:
13.a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract.
14.Each line is divided by a caesura into two halves; and there are two stresses in each half, falling on the alliterative consonants or vowels.
15.Karlgren explains that the hanzi belonging to one set had homorganic initial consonants (e.g. k, g), the same main vowel, and the same final consonant.
16.This paper fucoses on context sound changes in Suomo speech rGalrong language, including consonant, vowel and tone changes, which will be the weakening, eclipsis, accommodation and dissimilation ect.