14.Economy can grow the general condition of reproduction on the rails continuously, it is the input quantity of every kinds of its discharge, must be more than sendout.
【摘要】经济可持续发展再生产正常进行一般条件 ,就是它每种流量输入量 ,都必须大于输出量。
15."To be the pioneer,not the follower,to be inventor,not the towerman"is our belief which is driving us continuously to surmount and go forward.
16.Rising the temperature continuously , when it in the valves runs over the temperature of drainage, the detrusion of top material causes the port A close.
17.The intelligent antenna disclosed in the invention can eclectically decline continuously, thus implementing the continuous electrically tuning.
18.The machine can automatically punch or continuously punch and rivet eyelets. The punching and eyeleting can be finished once.
19.Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy.